Custom-built designs to deliver unique experiences
Here at Symbio, we combine advanced expertise in human factors and ergonomics with industrial design and manufacturing to deliver the best experience to our clients. What sets us apart is our use of highly sophisticated human-centred, model-based approaches within virtual-reality (VR) environments. We use these approaches to design and create solutions for process industries, air-traffic control, and the transport, maritime, and space sectors.

Custom-built designs to deliver unique experiences
Symbio provides customised and integrated services for the following sectors:
What sets
Symbio apart
Symbio designs and develops ergonomic and innovative workspaces, workstations, and environments. We facilitate exchanges between all parties in order to find answers to any questions that might arise. We bring an oft-needed outside view. We work together with you, including in VR, to determine what information everyone should have access to, and exactly where, within the workspace or on the workstation.